Saturday 24 September 2016


    There are a few basics to understand in taking care of a cat. Proper feeding, housing, litter box, grooming, handling, play and exercise are very important for your cat to live a long and happy life. Also take your cat to the vet for a check-up at least once a year. Here are some cat care tips for optimal cat care:

    ·         Feeding
    Feed your cat premium cat food. High quality cat foods meeting AAFCO cat food standards will ensure that your cat gets a balanced diet with the right nutrients. Feline diets deficient in certain nutrients can cause diseases, including blindness.
    Provide your cat with a fresh supply of water throughout the day. If you make a change to your cat's diet, do so as gradually as possible. If moist pet food goes uneaten for two hours, refrigerate it.

    ·         Housing
    Keeping your cat indoors or outdoors can depend on many factors, including your lifestyle and where you live. Many cat organizations recommend keeping your cat indoors for safety, better health and a longer life.
    Allow your cat to choose favorite spots to hang out around the house, and then make it more comfortable with blankets and pillows, or a cat bed. You can provide your cat with scratch pads or scratching posts as well.

    ·         Litter box
    One of the most important aspects of cat care is regarding the litter box. The number one reason adult cats are brought to shelters is for unresolved litter box problems.
    Use a good quality litter for odor control and ease of cleaning. Place the litter box in a relatively quiet area that your cat likes to frequent and make sure there are multiple escape routes. Also make sure to provide enough litter boxes for your cat. We suggest following the one plus one rule - one litter box for each cat in the house plus one more.

    ·         Grooming
    Groom weekly (or more frequent if possible) to prevent hairballs, improve the look of your cat's coat, and to check on your cat's well being. Use this time to examine your cat for common health problems as well. Check your cat's gums, teeth, eyes, ears (look for signs of ear mites), skin, and limbs for possible problems. Also check for signs of pain, swelling or injury.
    Most cats learn to enjoy the grooming process, and this can be a rewarding interaction between you and your pet as well.

    o    Brushing
    For longhaired cats and to minimize shedding, you can brush your cat daily. For problems with matted fur, use your fingers or a matt comb to work out the tangles.

    o    Nails
    Check your cat's nails regularly and clip them as needed. You can provide scratching posts or pads to help keep your cats nails trimmed naturally. However, if your cat's claws get too long, they may curve back into the toe pad. They are also more likely to get caught on something if they're not kept trimmed. Make sure to use good quality clippers designed for cats to trim the claws. Press the paw gently to expose the nails. Make sure you clip well to the outside of the tiny darkish pink vain, called the quick. In case of error, clipping too short and causing bleeding to occur, have a blood stop or cornmeal available to use as a coagulant.

    o    Ears
    Cleaning Checking your cat's ears should be done weekly as well. Clean them as needed, using a small amount of veterinary ear cleaner and a cotton ball.

    o    Eyes
    The wax-like secretions that form in the corners of cat's eyes should be gently cleared away to prevent irritation. Use a damp cotton ball to clean around the cat's eye. Take extra care not to touch the eyeball.

    o    Bathing
    Bathing is not necessary for all cats as they are excellent at grooming themselves. However some breeds, like the longhaired varieties, do require regular baths. Place a small towel over the side of the tub to provide a surface for your cat to cling onto. Hold the cat with one hand and lather it with your other hand. Water temperature should be approximately 100 degrees. Wash your cat's head, ears and neck first to prevent any fleas that are on your cat from taking refuge there while you clean the rest of its body.

    ·         Handling
    Handle your cat frequently. Give your cat at least 10 minutes of physical attention every day. Take time to pet, stroke, scratch, or brush your cat for at least 10 minutes daily. It will calm and relax both not only your cat but you too. Recent evidence shows that contact with cats may actually reduce your risk of heart attack by as much as thirty percent! What a great bonus for giving good cat care.
    If you can, start handling your cat when it's a kitten. This early socialization helps a cat enjoy handling later in life, and makes it easier when it comes time for check-ups at the vet. Also make sure you massage your cat's paws and toes often so your cat gets used to having them restrained. This will help immensely when having to trim its nails.

    ·         Play and Exercise
    Try to play with your cat every day to make sure it gets enough exercise. Regular exercise is an important part of cat care as it helps your cat maintain body tone, muscle and keeps it feeling younger longer. You can play using a variety of dangle toys and teasers. You can also play by chasing your cat around the house.
    Besides being fun, there are great bonuses to play and exercise. Getting your cat exercising daily will help lower risks of diseases and minimize vet bills.


American Bobtail Cat Breed

American Bobtail

While the breed is still developing, breeders say that Bobtails are playful, energetic, and friendly, and possess an uncanny ...
Read more about the American Bobtail cat breed.
American Curl Cat Breed

American Curl

Curls have qualities other than the whimsical ears to make them attractive pets. They are people cats that do not show any of ...
Read more about the American Curl cat breed.
American Shorthair Cat Breed

American Shorthair

When describing the American Shorthair, the expression 'happy medium' springs to mind. These all-American cats are medium in ...
Read more about the American Shorthair cat breed.
American Wirehair Cat Breed

American Wirehair

Wirehairs are people cats that crave human attention and affection. They are active without being hyper, and affectionate ...
Read more about the American Wirehair cat breed.
Balinese Cat Breed


Balinese cats are smart, sweet, and fun to be around. Like the Siamese, they are known for their ability to communicate vocally, ...
Read more about the Balinese cat breed.
Bengal Cat Breed


The Bengal may look like a wild cat, but breeders insist that the Bengal is as lovably friendly and docile as any full-blooded ...
Read more about the Bengal cat breed.
Birman Cat Breed


Birmans are affectionate, gentle, and faithful companions with an air of dignity that seems to invite adoration by their human ...
Read more about the Birman cat breed.
Bombay Cat Breed


If an aloof, independent cat is what you're craving, this breed isn't for you. Bombays are attached to their family, and tend to ...
Read more about the Bombay cat breed.
British Shorthair Cat Breed

British Shorthair

If you're looking for a cat that will loot your refrigerator and swing dizzily from your chandeliers, then the British Shorthair ...
Read more about the British Shorthair cat breed.
Burmese Cat Breed


Breeders and fanciers report that Burmese are amusing, playful, and super-smart, the perfect interactive cats for home, office, ...
Read more about the Burmese cat breed.

Chartreux Cat Breed


Known for their hunting prowess, Chartreux cats may have been taken in by those monks long ago to rid the monastery of vermin. ...
Read more about the Chartreux cat breed.
Cornish Rex Cat Breed

Cornish Rex

Cornish Rexes are good for folks who like having their lives run by active, inquisitive, gazelle-like felines that love a good ...
Read more about the Cornish Rex cat breed.
Cymric Cat Breed


The personality of the Cymric has won a strong following despite the breeding challenges. Cymrics are intelligent, fun-loving ...
Read more about the Cymric cat breed.
Devon Rex Cat Breed

Devon Rex

Devons have been compared to pixies, elves, and, of course, space aliens for their jumbo-sized satellite-dish ears, large, ...
Read more about the Devon Rex cat breed.
Egyptian Mau Cat Breed

Egyptian Mau

While fanciers might at first be attracted to the Egyptian Mau's beautiful spotted coat, most become enthusiasts because of the ...
Read more about the Egyptian Mau cat breed.
Exotic Shorthair Cat Breed

Exotic Shorthair

Some folks who don't appreciate that laid-back, mellow personality label Persians and their relatives 'furniture with fur', but ...
Read more about the Exotic Shorthair cat breed.
Havana Brown Cat Breed

Havana Brown

More distinctive than the muzzle, ears, or minklike coat is the Havana Brown?s personality. Although still quite rare and for ...
Read more about the Havana Brown cat breed.
Himalayan Cat Breed


Himmies, as fanciers call them, are perfect indoor cat companions. They are gentle, calm, and sweet-tempered, but they possess a ...
Read more about the Himalayan cat breed.
Japanese Bobtail Cat Breed

Japanese Bobtail

Bobs make outstanding companions. They're curious, bold, intelligent, and alert, and easily adjust to new people, situations, ...
Read more about the Japanese Bobtail cat breed.

Javanese Cat Breed


Javanese cats, like their Balinese relatives, are playful, devoted, and always eager to tell you their views on life, love, and ...
Read more about the Javanese cat breed.
Korat  Cat Breed


Korats are not as vocal as their Siamese comrades; they have other ways of getting their wishes across. At dinnertime they'll ...
Read more about the Korat cat breed.
Maine Coon Cat Breed

Maine Coon

No breed has a monopoly on love and affection, but there's got to be some good reason that the Maine Coon has clawed his way up ...
Read more about the Maine Coon cat breed.
Manx Cat Breed


The Manx's personality is probably the reason the breed has won such a strong following despite the physical difficulties and ...
Read more about the Manx cat breed.
Munchkin Cat Breed


For their part, Munchkins, oblivious to the controversy surrounding them, go on being just what they are, cats; self-assured and ...
Read more about the Munchkin cat breed.
Nebelung Cat Breed


Nebelungs are mild, soft-spoken, and gentle. They are generally reserved around strangers, ranging from hiding-under-the-bed ...
Read more about the Nebelung cat breed.
Norwegian Forest Cat Cat Breed

Norwegian Forest Cat

Natural athletes, Norwegian Forest Cats love to investigate counters, bookcases, and the loftiest peaks of their cat trees. ...
Read more about the Norwegian Forest Cat cat breed.
Ocicat Cat Breed


Ocicats may look wild, but they are actually affectionate, curious, and playful, and possess a very strong devotion to their ...
Read more about the Ocicat cat breed.
Oriental Cat Breed


The personality of the Oriental is as distinctive as the multicolored exterior. They are natural entertainers, full of ...
Read more about the Oriental cat breed.
Persian Cat Breed


If you want your cats bouncing around like hyperactive popcorn, don't buy a Persian. Persians are perfect companions, if you ...
Read more about the Persian cat breed.

Ragdoll Cat Breed


Docile, mild-mannered, and congenial, Rag-dolls make ideal indoor companions. One of the nicest features of these cats is their ...
Read more about the Ragdoll cat breed.
Russian Blue Cat Breed

Russian Blue

Russian Blues are gentle, genteel cats, and are usually reserved, or absent, when strangers are around. When they're with their ...
Read more about the Russian Blue cat breed.
Scottish Fold Cat Breed

Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds are intelligent, sweet-tempered, soft-spoken, and easily adaptable to new people and situations. They are very ...
Read more about the Scottish Fold cat breed.
Selkirk Rex Cat Breed

Selkirk Rex

Selkirks are fun-loving, mellow cats with a generous measure of love and affection for their human companions. Very people-...
Read more about the Selkirk Rex cat breed.
Siamese Cat Breed


Some cats seem to think that a purr or a friendly rub speaks louder than words. Siamese are not of this school of thought and ...
Read more about the Siamese cat breed.
Siberian Cat Breed


Siberians are affectionate cats with a good dose of personality and playfulness. They are amenable to handling, and breeders ...
Read more about the Siberian cat breed.
Singapura Cat Breed


Singapuras, happily unaware of the controversy surrounding them, go right on being what they are: pesky people pleasers. At home ...
Read more about the Singapura cat breed.
Snowshoe Cat Breed


Breeders brave enough to take on the Snowshoe challenge find that the cat pays back the effort in love and affection. Anyone ...
Read more about the Snowshoe cat breed.
Somali Cat Breed


With all the virtues of the Abyssinian and adorned by a gorgeous semi-long coat, the Somali is a beautiful and lively addition ...
Read more about the Somali cat breed.
Sphynx Cat Breed


According to the French breed standard, the Sphynx is part monkey, part dog, part child, and part cat. The breed does seem to ...
Read more about the Sphynx cat breed.
Tonkinese Cat Breed


The Tonkinese has a winsome personality, not surprising since the Burmese and Siamese are prized for their temperaments. ...
Read more about the Tonkinese cat breed.
Turkish Angora Cat Breed

Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora fanciers are as attached to their cats as their cats are to them. Angoras seem to invoke strong responses in ...
Read more about the Turkish Angora cat breed.
Turkish Van Cat Breed

Turkish Van

While you might be drawn to the Van for his fascination with water, you'll fall in love with the breed for his other qualities. '...
Read more about the Turkish Van cat breed.


The domestic cat (Latin: Felis catus) or the feral cat (Latin: Felis silvestris catus) is a small, typically furry, carnivorousmammal. They are often called house cats when kept as indoor pets or simply cats when there is no need to distinguish them from other felids and felines. Cats are often valued by humans for companionship and for their ability to hunt vermin. There are more than 70 cat breeds; different associations proclaim different numbers according to their standards.
Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with a strong, flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high infrequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals. They can see in near darkness. Like most other mammals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of smell than humans. Cats, despite being solitary hunters, are a social species and cat communication includes the use of a variety of vocalizations (mewing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, andgrunting), as well as cat pheromones and types of cat-specific body language.
Cats have a high breeding rate. Under controlled breeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the breeding of pet cats by neutering and the abandonment of former household pets has resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, requiring population control. This has contributed, along with habitat destruction and other factors, to the extinction of many bird species. Cats have been known to extirpate a bird species within specific regions and may have contributed to the extinction of isolated island populations. Cats are thought to be primarily, though not solely, responsible for the extinction of 33 species of birds, and the presence of feral and free ranging cats makes some locations unsuitable for attemptedspecies reintroduction in otherwise suitable locations.
Since cats were venerated in ancient Egypt, they were commonly believed to have been domesticated there, but there may have been instances of domestication as early as the Neolithic from around 9,500 years ago (7,500 BC). A genetic study in 2007 concluded that domestic cats are descended from Near Eastern wildcats, having diverged around 8,000 BC in West Asia. A 2016 study found that leopard cats were undergoing domestication independently in China around 5,500 BC, though this line of partially domesticated cats leaves no trace in the domesticated populations of today.

As of a 2007 study, cats are the second most popular pet in the United States by number of pets owned, behind freshwater fish